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Photos: Jewish Sacred Sites

English caption TBD
[original page 60]
Webmaster's Notes: See the same photo in the Kletsk Yizkor Book. This is a front view of the Kalte Shul, the "Cold Shul", the largest syngagogue in Kletsk.

English caption TBD
[original page 81]

Webmaster's Notes: See the same photo with a more extensive caption in the Kletsk Yizkor Book. This is a rear view of the Kalte Shul.
English caption TBD
[original page 58]

Webmaster's Notes: This is undoubtedly a view of the Kletsk Jewish cemetery, located to the west of the town, across the Lan River and at the top of a rise.

English caption TBD
[original page 61]

English caption TBD
[original page 49]

Webmaster's Notes: The original document offered no explanation and none has been located in other sources. As far as can be determined, this monument existed only on paper.

Page Last Updated: 13-Feb-2014
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