//add in logic required to do stories on each page
require_once './include/story_page_include.php';
include "./include/story_page_nav.php"
A U.S. Kletsk landmanshaft dignitary:
Plate 38: Moshe Tarabur (Tarrow) |
Plate 38d: Obituary by Yossef Reiss-Rabinovitz |
[Summary] In the midst of activities and planning of projects he died suddenly of a heart attack on the 28th of August 1959 at the age of 60. He dedicated his life to help his fellow Kletzkers and the survivors. He helped all who approached him for support. He was very respected and honored by the Kletzkers in the USA. He was born to a traditional Jewish family. In his youth he was active in a dramatic band, in Bikur Kholim [caring for the sick] and Gmilut Khasadim [alms for the poor], etc., In the twenties he immigrated to the USA. He returned to Kletzk for a visit in 1928 and his impressions are depicted in this book.
//add in logic required to do stories on each page
require_once './include/story_page_include.php';
include "./include/story_page_nav.php"